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WP 99-1

Johann Peter Murmann, Ernst Homburg. Comparing Evolutionary Dynamics Across Different National Settings: The Case of the Synthetic Dye In

Keywords: Evolutionary Economics, Management and Organization Theory, Industry Evolution, Business History, Cross-national Comparisons, Synthetic Dye Industry.


Empirical investigations of industry evolution have flourished over the last two decades, but with the exception of Carroll and Hannan’s automobile study (1995) no one has examined in systematic fashion whether evolutionary patterns are the same in different social contexts. We present in this paper some striking dissimilarities in patterns of evolution that appear when the unit of analysis is not the entire world, but rather individual countries. These variations in country patterns (we compare Great Britain, France, Germany, U.S.A. and Switzerland) call out for an explanation and raise questions about current models of industry evolution. We identify as causal drivers behind the observed differences in country patterns: The Legal Environment, Availability of Skills, Existing Industrial Infrastructure, Economies of Scale and Scope, Technological Dynamics, and Positive Feedback Mechanisms. The article is now published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 11 (2001) 177-205. 

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