U.S. Tire Firms, 1920-1981

Steven Klepper and Kenneth L. Simons

To study the evolution of the industry of the industrial structure of the U.S. tire Industry.

firmname - Name (subsequent names after semicolons) to 80 characters
backdate - First year listed in Hendricks if earlier than in Thomas’, else 0
entryyr - First year listed in Thomas’
exityr - First year not listed in Thomas’ (1981 signifies still a producer at end of sample)
acquired - 1 if acquired rather than exited, 0 otherwise
trsize20 - its size code in the 1920 Thomas’ volume (1000, 750, 400, 200, 75, 37.5, 17.5, and .01 which correspond to the letter codes AAAA, AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, and X, with the five largest 1920 firms, Goodyear, Goodrich, Firestone, US Rubber, and Fisk coded as 2000)
akron - 1 if located within 50 miles of Akron, 0 otherwise
cord1917 - 1 if produced a cord tire in the 1917 Tire Rate Book, 0 otherwise
cord1920 - 1 if produced a cord tire in the Oct. 1920 Tire Rate Book, 0 otherwise
ball1923 - 1 if produced a balloon tire in the Dec. 1923 Tire Rate Book, 0 otherwise
distms - 1 if had dealers and/or distributors in multiple states, 0 if not, 9 if unknown

Steve here you can put some notes.

Steven Klepper and Kenneth L. Simons entitled, “The Making of an Oligopoly: Firm Survival and Technological Change in the Evolution of the U.S. Tire Industry,” Journal of Political Economy, 2000, vol. 108, no. 4, pp. 728-760.

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